Detox America with sequestration
The American drug of choice is wild partying with entitlement spending and bloated budgets in many government agencies and departments.
View ArticleSkype revolutionizing mental health care
Quietly, with almost no headlines, Skype has revolutionized the practice of psychiatry and psychology
View ArticleWhy I am a proud economic masochist
I am hoping for more pain from the Sequester. I am now a proud economic masochist. And I hope you will be, too.
View Article7 strategies to completely defeat depression
Dr. Keith discusses several ways depressed patients can feel better than ever
View ArticleSeventeen magazine pushing sex as a drug to 12-year-olds
There is a psychological sea change occurring in American culture, wherein girls shy of their teenage years are now exposed to erotic imagery and storylines, routinely.
View ArticleDR. KEITH ABLOW: Moore's flawed rationale means his photo would motivate...
Documentary filmmaker Michael Moore wants photographs of the children slaughtered in Newtown, Conn., at the Sandy Hook Elementary School to be released for public consumption
View ArticleAmerican teens gripped by epidemic that crushes empathy
In Steubenville, Ohio two teenage boys— a 17-year-old and 16-year-old—are on trial for allegedly stripping a very inebriated and nearly unconscious 16-year-old girl naked, attempting to make her...
View ArticleWhen sex education is disinformation, and sexual equality is a lie
At a recent annual meeting of the United Nations' Commission on the Status of Women, Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, spoke on her belief that the groups like the International...
View ArticleHas New York Mayor Bloomberg made Americans 'soda shy'?
Has New York Mayor Bloomberg already made Americans soda shy?
View ArticleWhen it comes to marriage, government should divorce itself
With the Supreme Court now hearing cases centering on the legality of a federal ban on gay marriage and California’s ban on gay marriage, the real way our nation should address marriage rights is to...
View ArticleSports don't matter, not one iota
Mike Rice, the now-disgraced basketball coach at Rutgers, fired for physically assaulting and verbally abusing his players, could be the poster boy for more than one issue.
View ArticleIt always comes down to mental illness
Take all the guns away. Take all the knives away. The number of victims of murders with no apparent motive—born of undertreated, poorly treated or untreated mental illness—will be reduced not one bit.
View ArticleA realistic, workable plan to reduce violence in America
The underlying problem common to all the recent mass shootings has been untreated or undertreated mental illness.
View ArticleThe pursuit of liberty is a marathon
The bombings mean that any street corner, in any American City, is vulnerable -- that terror need not come from the sky, nor target iconic skyscrapers and national landmarks.
View ArticleHow do victims heal after explosions in Boston, Texas?
How do people go on, waking up one day, with concerns as beautifully and poetically mundane as getting the grocery shopping done or the kids off to school, then ending the day with a lost limb or a...
View ArticleWhy weren't Watertown residents told to get their guns?
As law enforcement searched for the second Boston Marathon bombing suspect last week, why didn't police say, "if you have a licensed firearm, make sure it is within reach, that it is loaded and that...
View ArticleHow to build a terrorist
No rational adherent to a faith or movement would believe that blowing up people in a road race like the Boston Marathon is likely to bring about any real goal.
View ArticleWhat if the brains of sociopaths could be fixed?
A new, riveting study from the University of Chicago, published in JAMA Psychiatry , has shown that people with psychopathy—who lack empathy, are likely to engage in criminal behavior and who are much...
View ArticleWhy didn't friends and neighbors turn in the Boston bombers?
Why did friends and neighbors who recognized the Tsarnaev brothers fail to pick up the phone and turn them in?
View ArticleStarting a new life after a decade held hostage
The three women who were found in Cleveland, Ohio after a decade spent in captivity will now begin journeys back to normal lives. These women may come to look healthy, but the road back to well-being...
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